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A small birthday party...

Today we celebrated one of my best friends birthday, she turned 19 5 days ago, but we wanted not to celebrate like a party with a lot of people, but in our group 's circle and just have fun. I got ready as usual. I don't know why it is like that, but I am really insecure about my face. I love my body, I love the way my tights, hips, stomach looks even if I am not a size 2. I love that I am different. I love everything about my body, even the things a lot of people would think of an insecurity. But my face is a different story. I feel like makeup makes me feel confident. When I don't have makeup and I am going out, I need my glasses, because I don't feel comfortable. It's the way it is. Before we went to the cafe, few friends of mine were talking about how they don't get why girls would need makeup ( they are girls, by the way), that they don't want to wake up and scare someone in the morning - their boyfriend wakes up, sees his girlfriend without makeup and scares himself - which is so overreacting. No boy would do that. Girls wear makeup to feel comfortable. It is their opinion, I get it, but sometimes it is a little bit over dramatic saying that a boy would get scared in the morning. like - why? After that long conversation we drove to the cafe. We laughed, talked about serious stuff. My friend spilled her latte all over her side of the table, my friends lap and the floor - happens. I laughed and said to my friend, that I will have to warn my boyfriend not to take me to a really fancy restaurant, because 1) I won't know how to eat like fancy people do and 2) I would 100% spill, break, drop something that is not supposed to be spilled, broken or dropped, so I got what she was feeling. We had pizzas, which I don't eat, but this was an exception. My friend was like - I told my mum earlier, if Lee won't be ok of eating pizzas, she'll tell me - I won't. I don't like to go through all that trouble. I rather just suck it up, eat 3 slices of pizza, because I was full of that and drink my latte. After we got full, we went to the other side of the city to a mall just because we wanted to + a walk never killed nobody, but my legs did. My boots broke so I had to wear my platform boots, which I have not worn for this year definitely, so my legs were like - what are those? Why? Auch, because by the end of the walk my legs were hurting and still are and it has been few hours. It is a great time to spend with my friends. They have been my friends for as long as I can remember, we have been through thick and thin and I know and hope that we will always stay friends, maybe won't meet every day, but will be with each other in our hearts!

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