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My school and I...

Since it is March, before the first exam we have a 'Token night' where all of the 12 classes have to have at least 15minutes or 15minutes long performance, it doesn't have to necesseraly have to be singing, dancing, it can be what the mind wants and is possible. For our performance we had to write down 2 things, but the last one got changed and there was another idea that got out in. We also have a video and a presentation so whilst the presentation is going we are going to tell something about our childhood, what our classmates think of us ect. So the 3 things we are going to talk about is fun, not serious things, but I wanted to write the serous parts, the ones that I have gained from this school, from these 12 years, also include one more that got thrown away,...

1. What did I want to be when I was little and what do I want to become now. Why, in my opinion, the changes have happened?

I dreamed about a lot of carriers when I was little - police officer, a vet, a doctor, a singer, an actress, but never I thought I would want to become a lawyer. I think my decision changed because I felt that it wasn't for me. Not the translator, not every other carriers I mentioned before, they weren't for me. I feel that becoming a lawyer will give me so many amazing opportunities in life.

2. What have I learned from these 3 years in high school.

Uhhh, I don't even know what to write and what not to write. I have learned to make mistakes and learn from them, I have learned to say my opinion even if no one else agrees, I have learned to take risks, i have learned to be me.

3. Who has been the person/persons who have helped me during these years. Why?

My best friend Kathrine has been there for me for about 10years, almost 11 this year, she is my sun, she has inspired me so much she doesn't even understand it.

All of my friends, i mean, we have gone through so much, but at the end we always find our way back to each other no matter what had happened - it is an unbreakable bond.

4. What is something I like as in eat, drink from our school or what is something I want everyone to know about me. ( I picked food)

I learned that mistakes make you human, that caring for others is ok, that sharing what you feel is totally understandable, that it is ok if someone disagrees not everyone is going to support you no matter where you are. I learned to dream realisticly and do my best at everything.

School does teach us a lot of things, whether we realize it or not. At the end of the day most of what we learned, a huge portion of it, the school taught us. We have to be grateful for it even if school sometimes is the one thing we hate the most.

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