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A story about my weekend...

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This weekend was so fun, sad and full with emotions like it never has been before. I have anxiety which means I take everything way too close to my heart so this was no exception. The day before this I had got info from my friend that she won't be staying. Which was so bad for me because either I had to pay 22euros instead of 11euros or I would've stayed alone or I would have had to pay much, much more for cancelling. So, I made a deal that she is going to pay because none of our friends could stay with me. I knew I had changed my mind previously about her paying me because I thought I could find someone but since I couldn't, she had to pay me.

Our day was so fun in the morning. We met at the bus station and drove to a cafe at the other part of the city. We made a deal that we were going to split up, because if I would've stayed with them I for sure would've been late to my reservation and would've had to pay extra, which I was not going to let happen. So we split up - me and 2 of my friends and then other two girls. We went to this school convention where we got to see bunch of schools, listen about what courses they can offer and see if it is what we want to study. At this one desk a man flirted with me, but I am going to keep that story to myself because I am going to see him in a month. After that we wanted to call our friends to find out where they are but we couldn't reach them so we left. I got to my hostel in time, we head out and ordered food which about the wait was 30-40 minutes. My friend calls me and we make a deal that we are going to meet after about an hour(that is what she said that it would take them about 1,5-2h to shop) at the Old Town. So we had food but we didn't know how long it would take them to shop so we decided to go shopping too, but like 10minutes away from the center, literally 3minutes from where I was staying. So my friend calls me after 45minutes, it was about 4:45-4:50PM, she is in a good mood, so I tell her that we are still at the shop we were because we had to wait for our food ans for you so we decided to go down there. I also said that my friend which I was in a group with just found out that her cousin was at the bowling alley, so she had to take her stuff from my hostel room with her. I told Anna (that is not her real name) to wait about 5minutes until we get her bag and in 10 we can meet. She instantly raises her voice in anger and says - 'really? You had a half an hour to do that. Now we have to wait for you?' I am sorry. Was I the one who wanted to go shopping without telling us the exact time how long it would take, was I the one who had to wait for them to finish shopping because we originally didn't need to? No, so why am I the one being judged all of a sudden. Because I am a happy person, I don't answer to her in a rude voice because I am trying to stay calm. I meet Anna accidentally, because my other friend had her shoes completely wet so she had to buy another pair of shoes, and she blabbers under her nose something that she is too much of a chicken to say to my face in Russian and she know that I don't understand it well. I think she said - take it and choke on it, but I might be wrong. She didn't listen to what I had to tell, she only cared about her stories. She didn't let me talk. She was rude but none of my friends seemed to notice. I had enough, after we didn't get the bowling part, I started crying because I have had enough.

Turns out she was angry because she had to pay me. I am sorry, was I the one who originally wanted to stay? Was I the one who changed my mind to stay? Was I the one who cancelled the day before? Was I the one who had to stay in a hostel alone? No, no I was not. So, yes, she had to pay because I was in this mess because of her.

I have learned to never trust her again with travelling. If I am staying there again and if she wants to join I'll say - you can drive I can't stop you, but I will not be the one who is going to rent a room for you, i am going to do that for the people who will actually stay. She can find her own place and live there, but not with me. Not after the meltdown I had for like half an hour. I was crying while my friend called me and asked if I was interested to have dinner with them. I almost didn't go, but I thought about my other friend not Anna, I wanted to see my other friend.

I do have other amazing and wonderful friends who I do love so much I can't explain. I do thank them for being there for me and being amazing. I do love Anna too but I am tired of always saying I am sorry, because in this case she has to apologize. I know that smart people surrender I just don't want no one to walk all over me. Sometimes it is ok to be angry at someone and not talk to them.

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