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My trip to a University

Today I visited the school I am literally in love with. I have thought about going in this school for almost 3 years now, but for the first 2 years I thought I'd study English, but now I've moved on to Law. At first all 60 of us ( I still can't believe that many were there!) were in a conference room where we were listening to a presentation about school' s history, about Law faculty and it's history, about costs, about degrees ect. After that some people asked questions, but since I didn't have any I didn't ask anything. I forgot to ask about living situation and everything evolving around it, but I will write all my questions in an e-mail and send it to the person who is in charge of those informative questions, she said it'd be fine. After that we divided into 2 groups and we went on a tour - the library, the roof, 2/3 conference rooms and a court room. P.s. The school recreated the court room so it would be easier for students to learn what they need. Also, it is exactly the same as any other real court would. Few people got to play in a judicial sitting, which for me was really entertaining to watch from a far. And it really got me thinking : I want this! I really do. I don''t know what I would rather choose to study more after 3 years ( a lawyer, a prosecutor or a judge ) but after time will pass I'll know. This whole experience is amazing because it really does give an insight in their study life, even a little, so that it is a lot easier to understand whether you really want it or not. I do. I fell even more in love with everything. I have one more school to visit of which I will mention too, but I know for a fact that if I get into this school, I will have no second doubts about going. I will study hard. Be proud. Be the best that I can be. Won't worry to make mistakes. Learn, learn and learn!

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