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Part 1

I still can't sleep. I see flashbacks of the things that had happened to me over that...time. It's 5AM. I keep falling in and out of sleep so I go downstairs. I want something to drink. I go and tell my mother that I will be heading downstairs, she suggests coming with me even though it is 5AM. She wants to see if I will be ok. She has been with me in the house at night always. She says to always wake her up, just so she can come with me. She keeps staring at me the entire time. Her sad, worried looking eyes are trying to get into my soul. I keep looking away. I said - I am fine and run upstairs. Mum drunk her glass of water, went calmly to my bedroom where I had already hidden under the blanket. I said - goodnight and fell asleep. I think my mum was up for a while after that. I caught her once staring at me with the same worried and sad look. I woke up. I decided to put a tie on today. A dark red one. I have never worn color since that time, so this was something no one not even me would be expecting. I am wearing black leggings with black skirt, a black blouse that my mum bought me the other day and the red tie. I haven't put make up on for months, I just can't. I put my books into my backpack and headed downstairs. My mum is cooking eggs with some green smoothie thing which I don't like anymore, but I drink it to make my mother happy. I greet her a good morning, eat my breakfast. In silence. I don't know how to talk to my mother anymore and neither does she. 'Thank you' I say while walking towards the exit. I put my hair up on a ponytail, put some black shoes on, put my dark grey coat on and head out. 'Have a good day, Beth' my mother yells. Beth. Elizabeth. Elizabeth Parker. Am I even the girl that I used to be? I meet my friend Amy outside the school so we can face the morning together. I act tough around her because I don't want to break her. She thinks I am already over everything that had happened to me, I don't think I ever will be, but it is great to see her smile because I am. She was shocked when I took off my coat. 'You have a red tie!' she yelled. 'So? Is that a crime?'. 'No, it is just...I never thought that after...everything that you went through, you would wear any color. At all.' 'Me neither. Let's go. The bell is about to ring.' The first lesson is English Literature with the greatest teacher in our entire school. She knows my story. Well, what the press wrote about it. I haven't told anyone this story. Not even the cops. The only thing they know and what had been told everyone else is that I got abducted, kept in a basement for a week. Nothing else. We were two cabinets down from our class. 'Are you ok?' Amy asks worriedly. 'No, but I will be'. I put on a fake smile and open our class door. I see my entire class turning away from the screen and looking at me. With the same sad and worried eyes that my mother has been looking at me for a while now. Then I see it. The photos. I keep staring at them. The girl has been abducted. She has her hands cut, her legs red from the ties, few red burn marks all over her body and a letter 'N' cut in her skin. Her hands were cut with sharp half of a scissor, her legs were tied strongly with a sharp, thick tie which hurt if you moved a single muscle, the burn are from metal objects that had been kept in fire for 5 minutes. The letter you may ask? It is the tormentors initial. Name? Nickname? Surname? I don't know. Everyone keeps looking at me when a boy comes forward. 'Beth, do you know the girl? You look like you have seen her before.' Ralph asks. 'No...not her' I say, but I feel like the room is getting darker. 'The scars. The burn marks. The fear in her eyes. I...'. I can't finish my sentence. All I see next is the room turning black once I hit the floor. Then everything goes into a painful darkness.

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