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What have I learned during January?

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This month I have learned three things : be on time, be a nice and kind person and learn to make mistakes.

I have always had a problem with being on time. Like, I will always show up later or post pone because I want to watch a TV show. No, this year and all next years when I make a plan about meeting my friends or anyone, I will be on time. I have got a hang of this for the first month, I can never be more happier.

A am a nice and kind person. Being this person has actually paid off so much. I can't even express how happy I am to be like this. Everything around me isn't as sad or stressed anymore as it was last year. I have learned to not say bad things back even if I am really tempted. I can't and I won't say something bad - even if I have a really big argument, I rather keep my mouth shut and not say a thing than make everything a whole lot worse. I have to have a peace in me in order to have peace around me, that's the most important.

I am gradually building up this fence between me, mistakes and tears, stress. I used to care so much what my classmates thought of me, how they would react to everything, but at the end it is my opinion. It is me who later will be with me. Don't get me wrong, I do care what they think of me, but I don't let it affect me, my grades, who I am. I will never let it. If I make a mistake, I will own up to it, I will face it head on, I will apologize and I will move on. Once you make a mistake, you learn from it and you make everything better. That's how life goes, that's how I am going to live it. You live and you learn.

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