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A letter to my future kids...

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Dear kids, I don't know how many you are going to be in my life, but right now I am 18 years old, I am not planning on having a baby any time soon. For a long while. But I need to say this. I don't care what color eyes, hair you have. I don't care if you believe in God or not. I don't, but if you do I support you every step of the way. I don't care if you are guy, lesbian, bisexual, transexual ect. I don't care if you like wearing make up or hate it. I don't care if you have tattoos, piercings. I don't care what career you choose for yourself. I don't care if you want to try alcohol, smoking. If you do, tell me right away, but please not before the age of 15. But if you don't listen to me and you do try it, don't be scared to ask me. I will not judge you. Knowing me, I'll ask you to tell me what exactly you drank, smoke, then I'll ask if you like it, how was it and if you want to do it again. If you ever get drunk at a party I didn't know about, I don't care if it is 7PM, 12AM, 5AM, call me and I'll pick you up. I will love you no matter what. But if I once hear that You have hurt, verbally abused, bullied someone, we are going to have a problem. Be who you want to be, do what you love, don't ever be scared to ask me something. I hope that when you are born there is going ot be peace, love and equality. If not, it is up to you to change the world. - Love you

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