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5 things I want to achieve this month!

I know that the month is half way through. Time flies by so fast when you think about it. I thought I would make this a monthly goal list!

For the first month aka January 2017 I want to achieve :

1. Applying to a new after school activity - I already have an idea where I want to join, just have to write an e-mail to my teacher with few questions, then write that he can count me in!

2. Make a training routine and work out every single day - because of my ankle injury I can't do exercises that include - running, bending my ankle, putting weight to it, but anything else will get trained! But I will not start with a hard level, I'll start with easy.

3. Apply to an event for my future school and get accepted - there is an event coming up early February 2017 and the first trial starts between the 16th and 22nd of January. I have to write a strong motivation letter so I get in. A lot of people lie in these, but I will be 100% honest.

4. Try to eat one sweet thing a day - I love sweet, unhealthy things, but I have to limit myself to only one, except celebrations of course, but even then it will be a small amount. Have to keep me in check!

5. Be more productive - I have to get a lot of things done in time, not rush i, not leave it to the last minute, but really try to do more and as a result - feel good about myself!

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