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After the dance...

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The night was interesting. It literally went from -10 to 100 real quick. Where do I start? At the end of the dance, shall we?

So we went to the dance where a lot of people were already a little tipsy. I did not want to be there. So after 3hours we left because I didn't want to be a downer and leave few minutes in. I tried to have fun, I tried. So we left the dance to go to the bar. I couldn't care less so I had 2 strong drinks, but I had eaten so it wasn't that bad. It was a night i originally wanted to forget, but I am so glad it turned from -10 to a 100. I talked my friend into driving for 2 hours with complete strangers. We both hadn't met them, but there was one boy we knew, so it was okey.

We were driving with 180mph for like few times...I think it was four. I didn't care if we got caught, if we crashed, honestly i was numb at that point. I had been like this once in my life this year and it scared the actual crap out of me, but this time I wasn't scared. I was numb.

We went back to the town only to make cocktails in our schools parking spot. I know, we were smart. We drove to the coast for fresh air, and it was freezing. That's why i am a little bit sick right now, but it was totally worth it.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that no one in that car had license, i found that out before the crazy rides. Like I said, I didn't care.

I was numb, I wanted to forget and that night gave me that. I can never me more thankful for my friend and this night. It is the night i really will never forget.

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