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A chill evening with friends!

This was something i need for a long time - a small evening with my friends. A brake. A relaxation. That's what this evening was. We drove to my friends garden, sat in a little 'house', lighted candles, ate, drank, laughed, thought, talked - had an amazing time. There was a moment where me and my friend instantly became so sad, we had a reason to, but why? I don't want to feel like this. So after an hour i had enough. I chose to be happy. I have a blessed, healthy, happy life, why should i be sad? I shouldn't. I chose to be happy. Instantly the evening went from 0 to a 100 real quick. Laughs, giggles, happiness surrounded me again. I was really happy. I just didn't want my sadness to turn every ones happiness to 0. I wanted them to have fun and they had.

This was everything i ever wanted. Sitting in candle light, laughing so hard our stomachs hurt, talking about life, eating until we can't move, drinking until laughing who cracks first. These moments i want to cherish forever. I will. Always and forever. I have such amazing friends, i'll feel bad if i complain ever again.

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