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Two faces...

There are a lot of two-faces people out there. Every day i came in touch with few of them and, to be honest, it sucks. It really does. Not because of how they act, but because how they use you. Your good heart.

My ex - John and his best friend hate me, it's understandable. I was dumb, because i didn't listen when John needed and i regret that. They both have a reason to hate me, but let's be real, it has been 8months and still? Come on! I understand the hatered, but they at least could try to be nice.

Every day i have to work with them. Everyday they treat me and my friends like we are something that's under their shoes. Maybe they don't want it to come off that way, but it does. And it hurts. Not because he used to be my bf, but because of the attitude. I've done nothing but be nice over the last 8 months. But they - not so much. You know what is funny? Every time they need something they become different- sweet, kind and normal. They say 'thank you', but after you've helped them, they treat you like crap over and over again.

How to deal with this, you may ask? Well, i have a great solution. Be kind. Be you. Don't drop down to their level and be mean. Be something much, much more. After a while they'll see that nothing they do can stop your happiness and your ambitions. They'll see that nothing can bring you down. Continue to help them and let the fear of your success and happiness trouble their movement against you. Smile. Be kind. Don't be like them.

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