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From A to Z...

Ideas to do from A to Z!

Adventures around your town (see every fun stop around town and take maany selfies!)

Beach picnic with a lot of food and drinks and a camera to catch cute moments!

Clearing your head - walk around town in the evening for an hour with music in your ears and just think, clear your mind and thoughts.

Don't worry about the future, tell yourself what you want in life and go towards it every day. Step by step and slowly. Don't rush anything.

Eat healthy, because healthy eating = healthy soul, just remember to eat junk food once a while too! How can you live without that?

Facetime someone who you haven't seen for a while or in a long time - talk for an amount of time and catch up!

Gaze at the stars - take a blanket, a hot tea, sit outside of your house and just look at the stars, because the sky is magical!

Head over to your friends and closest family members and tell them how much you love and appreciate them - they won't be expecting it, but it will warm their heart!

Inspire someone to do something if they are not as confident as they should be, show them what they've got! The goods things will come back to you!

Joke around - laugh, tell a joke, make everyone around you laugh, make yourself laugh! You don't always have to be really serious!

Key to happiness =smile, smile every day even if that day is the worst day, because you can turn at least one "-" into a "+"

Leave your town and go to the country side for a day - sleep in a tent, tell ghost stories around the campfire and roast marshmallows!

Memorize to look in the mirror everyday and say one good thing about yourself, after a while you won't realize how beautiful you truly are!

Never doubt yourself even if everyone else is. They are not going to live your life, you are! Do what you want and NEVER tell yourself that you are not good enough!

Observe new things that come your way - even if you are afraid, take it, you won't regret it, Yes, new things are scary, but taking risks is par to our lives!

Party - it doesn't have to be with 100 of people in a bar, it can be with few people, music and fun time!

Q & A with friends - ask a question that you have been wanting to know for a while

Relaxing in a spa. It is a little expensive, but once a while - treat yourself!

Singing karaoke with friends. No matter how bad/good singer you are, it is so much fun!

Truth or dare - it is a fun and adventurous game, where you see where your friends brains go!

Upgrade your room based on the season - Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving - it will make you feel sooo ready for the holidays! The holiday spirit will live inside of you!

Visit your grandparents, because they don't have that much of a time left and they love when you visit! Tell them how much you love them!

Waste no time on haters and hating, it will destroy you - promote what you love , don't bash what you hate!

X-men is the movie you have to watch with your friends in a sleepover, take popcorn, lemonade and have a good time!

You can go to any place you want, but remember - home is where your heart is! So go everywhere, explore new things and culture, but don't forget about home!

Zone out of your mind for a moment, day dream, imagine what you want to think about it, set your goals and daydream!

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