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Few really delicious recipes!

I am going to share 3 of my this year favorite recipes. There will a smoothie, a cooked banana and an alcoholic mojito!

1. A green smoothie

2. A cooked banana

3. An alcoholic mojito

The green smoothie is pretty easy and what you'll need :

a) A banana

b) A celery stoak

c) A half of an avokado

d) A glass of water (~300ml)

You take every ingredient and put it in the blender. Cut the celery, i feel like that works better. Then blend everything for like 2minutes or until the celery is completely blended. It is going to be a thick consistency, so if you would like more liquidy, then i suggest you take ~400ml of water. That's it!

The cooked banana is such a delicious and easy recipe that it is a heaven when you finally do make it. What you'll need:

a) 3 bananas

b) A handful of black currants

c) 3 balls of ice cream or berry sorbert

Wash the bananas, cut their "skin" just a little bit on the top. On the open cut, pour the currant on and a lot. Then you put this in preheated 200degree oven for 10minutes. Serve on a plate with ice cream on top. It is a really big contrast - the cold and the hot. That's it!

An alcoholic mojito takes just 5minutes to make and it is really delicious. You'll need:

a) A lime

b) A lemon

c) 2 teaspoons of brown sugar

d) Fresh mint leaves

e) Martini (if you are not old enough to drink, you can use Sprite instead)

f) Ice cubes

g) Sprite

Take both lime and lemon and cut them into 1/4 peaces. Take a glass (the best works with 300ml) and put the 1/4 lemon and 2/4 lime in the glass. Pour the sugar in(you can use 1teaspoon, it won't be as sweet as with 2). Then take the ice cubes, put them in a towel and smash. When the smashed ice has been put into the glass, add the mint leaves(add as many as you'd like). If you are over the age of 18/21, then pour Martini as 2:3 of the glass, and Sprite as the 1:3. If you are not over the legal age, then take Sprite and fill the glass up. That is your mojito. You van drink it with or without a straw! Enjoy!

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