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Why is that a thing?

Today i am going to write about my opinion in how boys/girls like someone just based on their looks and how they like only the popular ones. *ATTENTION* I understand that a lot of this that i am going to say are suitable for girls also, but today i am just going to talk about boys, so don't take this personally.

I haven't always liked the popular guys, because not always they are what i want. Yes, they have a lot of friends, they are really attractive and they know how to sweet talk a girl, but they can also(NOT always) be really shallow and not good people at all. I don't know why in school the words - "popular", "nerd", "not popular" exist. Because in life after school these words are nothing. In school boys seem to think that it is only ok to like girls who are "popular", "hot"(on the outside), girls who drink and who everybody likes. But a lot of times these girls are nothing but shallow people who care just about how many followers they can get on instagram and how much body parts they can show. Don't get me wrong, i like to show what i have, because i don't care that i am not a size 2, that i have a belly and bigger legs. I LOVE that about myself and i always will, but i will not post pictures of my butt and my boobs on any social media. These are the girls that boys like, but i don't understand why. I don't care who is beautiful, who is not, because everyone is beautiful, i don't care how much followers you have and how many friends, i won't discriminate. They are just really driven into looks, forgetting about their personality. They can even be together for a year, but break up because after a while the real person comes out, and it can not be the person you fell for.

I am not going to say that looks don't matter, because that is the first thing that you are driven to. If i hang out with a group of people and one boy is really attractive and one is not as attractive, but the hot one has a jacka** personality and the other boy is super sweet and kind, i would fall for the boy who is kind. Even if the jacka** is an act around other people to be cool, i don't like it, because i don't want my other half to be mean to others. But a lot of "popular" boys tend to like that about girls, which i can't ever understand. A lot of "not popular" girls fall (including me) for the "popular" ones, hoping that he might like her and he might look at her differently. Girls try to stay positive and happy, but after a certain time they realize that no matter how cute they are going to look, no one is going to look at their way, because they are not "popular". I still hope that a guy will look at me differently that he had yesterday, but then reality hits me and i realize that i am not a size 2, i am not good at everything and i am ''popular" enough. This is a deal breaker for girls and our confidence falls deeply to the ground.

Girls have to try to avoid this by realizing how beautiful and amazing they are. If girls will know that they are everything that they want, someone will come along and be their prince. Girls have to try not to be a jascka** themselves by looking at the "not so popular" guy, because sometimes they are more cunning than the "popular" ones.

Boys have to not try to just be with the "popular" ones, because sometimes the real, amazing girl is standing right in front of you, but she isn't "popular".

It is just my opinion. I understand that these things are just one girls opinion, but these are the things i see everyday in my life. Sometimes i may think that a "popular" guy may like me, but then he falls for the "popular" one and i feel crushed. It is what it is. I have to remember to love myself and if someone comes in my life that i want to be a part of, then so be it, but until then i will love myself and truly try to care for me and then a boy.

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