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Not being ready...

I thought about this because of the post i wrote few weeks ago. So i thought it be a good idea to write about things that people might not be ready to do and how to deal with people who are putting you down because of this.

1. Relationships - I am not ready to be in a relationship. Thank the stars that no one is judging me because of that. It is really hard to be the only one not in a relationship, when everyone around you is. All the celebrations couples attend, and then the Valentines day. That day is so stupid for one reason - everyone knows you are single. BUT that is nothing to be ashamed about. I had my first boyfriend at 17, but i am not ready to have more. And it is okey. There is no certain age when to be in a relationship. You may want it, but later you'll realize that you are not ready. It is really confusing. It is like - i want it, i need it, but i can't and i don't want to. Some people can count on fingers how many relationship they've had and at what age, but it is okey to be the person who doesn't have a relationship to count or has had one, but at a later age. It is more special when you've waited for the boy that you like really much and you are ready to be in a relationship with. If you've found someone who understands and doesn't judge you for this, then you are really lucky. That person's a keeper. And don't worry if that relationship doesn't work out,

after you heal, you'll see so many new opportunities!

2. Sex - It is okey. not to have sex when you are not ready. Sex, in my opinion, is a serious thing, because it is the first time you have a really serious intimate relationship with someone. There is no certain age to have sex in. I am 18 and i am so proud that i am still a virgin, because i want to have sex with someone who i am together with and who i like/am in love with/love. I don't judge people if they have had sex in a young age, while being drunk or just to try out, but i hope that they know what kind of responsibility it can give if something goes wrong. I made a promise to myself that i will not sleep with anyone until the age of 18, because then, if something happens, i can take a full responsibility for it. In my opinion, you can have sex whenever you want to have, just be ready for it, don't jump into something you don't want to jump into and be careful. Don't let anyone bring you down because you are a virgin. Look at IISuperwomanII - she is 27 and still a virgin, because she hasn't found someone who she wants to sleep with and it is more that okey. It is amazing to have the power to kick off the haters, because of what you choose to do!

3. Alcohol - I drank alcohol for the first time when i was 17, while my friends started drinking when they were 15/16. I felt a little bit left out, because i didn't fit in at the time of me not drinking, i thought i won't have anything to talk about with them. But that is so not true. Yes, it was like that at first, but i learned how to entertain myself with something other than alcohol. Even at parties you can have fun without drinking. YOU can have fun with your drunk friends and tell them stories afterwards. A lot of people don't drink at all and they are so confident about it. That is what you have to do! Be confident! I know that a lot of times people un-invite someone, if they find out that they don't drink, which is so wrong, because friends accept you even if you don't drink. If they laugh at you and don't support you, then leave them. They are not your real friends. Learn to say ''No'' to alcohol if you don't want to. You drink when you want to, because you take responsibility of what can happen if you do drink. If others don't agree with you, it is okey, because you don't agree with them on other things either.

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