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A dream is a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. I don't know if we can actually control what we are dreaming, but i am pretty sure that we are somehow connected to the dreams that we dream and that we are somehow involved in all of this (maybe just a minimum, but maybe maximum. I would like to find out, actually). Dreams can be so different to people. I dream mostly about other people and/or my relationship with them, adventurous things, nightmares ( rearly ) and sometimes something completely random or dreams that feel so real that i feel like i was there. Ally dreams fantasy ( in different ways). Kathrine dreams happy and/or adventurous things, the 'real' dreams, random and confusing stuff. Claire dreams about different situations that may or may not become true, mostly about her friends, classmates and teachers, just laughing around, but sometimes about strangers. Sasha dreams about fantasy, happiness, peace, random stuff and /or adventurous stuff and about things that are most likely not to become reality.

People dream about so many different things and i strongly believe that our dreams show a part of a reality. Dreams can't be explained and i think that it is amazing to dream and to have such a different perspective when it comes to dreams. A lot of people think that if you think about a certain thing before you fall asleep, then you are going to dream about it. Likely not. I have thought about something else and then ended up with a completely irrevalent person in those dreams. I am going to write about two dreams that are just sticking in my head. One happened last night and the second one happened few months ago (most likely two months ago).

Last night : I went to bed thinking about a boy and i strongly wanted to dream about him, but instead i got Zoe and other boy (let's call him - Jim). The place was my old house ( my and my mother's room ). My mum's room was turned into a waiting room of some sort and redecorated. My room was just like a play room. When you walked in the house you saw the 'waiting room' and on the right side of the door was a two seat couch. No one was siting there so i went into the door. I go in and i see a lot of kids. I find this boy that i thought about last night and just talk with him for a split second. Then some kid ( 5-6yrs old) comes up to me and starts yelling at me and just naming me every word in the book and i was surprised that a young kid like that was saying these things. I became angry and i went out the door. I saw two people sitting on the couch, Zoe reading some paperwork and Jim just looking at my angry face. I told the parents what had happened, but - of course - the kid lied and made me the bad guy. They yelled at me and stormed out. Since i am a sensitive person, those words stuck to me and i started to cry. Zoe had left already to someplace. I stood next to Jim, and i cried until he hugged me. He hugged me really tight and for a LONG time. Then i opened my eyes and Zoe was looking at the previous paperwork and didn't say the fact about what had just happened. And i also found out hat the only reason he hugged me, was because his girlfriend was out of town...

2 months ago : This is the most realest dream i've ever had. I felt like i lived it and not watched it. It felt so real. I was sitting at an event that happened on the street or in outdoor scate park. I was watching a contest and i was bored. My classmate was sitting 2m away from me and i didn't notice that. Few minutes later he moves closer to me and is sitting right next to me. I am not even joking - i could feel the warmth of him body, i could feel it like it was happening in real life. I got so nervos that my heart started beating and it felt so real too. Then he got his hand up in the air like a high -five, but a bit lower and held his hand like that. I placed my hand opposite his and i could feel the warmth of his hand. I felt like i was there. The dream didn't even shock me, but the experience did. It was so real that i consider as i've lived it. And i believe that that kind of dream wasn't the last one.

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