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My best friend Kathrine!

My best friend - Kathrine - turns 16 today! I wanted to write this post and tell some stories that we've had with each other and hope that there will be more and more stories to tell in the future! She is 2 years younger, but i feel like she is my age, because the stuff that she's gone through, for a 16 year old is quite rough, to be honest. I feel like she is young, but she has an old soul and that's what i love about her so much! When she doesn't like something, she'll tell you, but when it comes to boys - uhh - she is a weak one, because she doesn't want to hurt their feelings, which sometimes is good, but sometimes it is not.

The first story that came into my mind is during our first 5 years together (P.S. We've been friends since 2006). We had such an imagination and passion about what we were doing, even if it was just random stuff and just silly, little girl stuff. We would play in my gardens sand area and build a counter out of bricks, so that it'd look like a cafe. We would be baking orders from behind the 'counter' out of sand, dirt, grass, wood, basically everything that we would see, would be in the dishes. We were kid chefs! And then we would discover that we had a HUGE imagination, so we'd go up in my houses attic and make our business and make up our own jobs. She would be at the end of the room and i would be closer to the door and we had a wire from my side to hers, so we'd send each other messages on papers as if we had so many people in there also coming up to us and asking for things to buy. It was such an amazing time!

When we grew a little bit older and Kathrine would've learned how to drive, we would drive on a road next to my house and play 'Buses', we would pretend that we were bus drivers and that we were driving a huge bus, and that people would give us money(it wasn't money, we used something else as money, i can't remember) and the tickets would be leaves, and we would take people to different bus stops, that in our heads made sense, but the bus stops weren't in different places, but in the same street! So that must've looked hilarious.

In our 10 years we've only had one huge fight, and because of that we didn't speak to each other in months, but Kathrine invited me to her birthday, so we became friends again. If she hadn't called me that day, i actually don't know if we'd still be friends by now or at what point we'd start our relationship again. Thanks, Kathrine for calling me that day!

She is the one and only friend i tell everything to, and i mean EVERYTHING. Yes, i have close friends, but none are as close as she is to me. Even remembering things we did together make me smile everyday. She is the one who is always by my side, and who always supports me no matter what i decide to do. I need to try to be more like her and know that everything is gonna be fine, but i know she'll be there for me. She makes me feel so happy and alive, i love her so much! I don't know what would've happened, if i'd never met her...My life would be without this happy person in my life, i would search for her and i don't even know if i'd find her. I am so glad that i did and everyday i thank my lucky stars that i have this little muffin with me everyday! I love her so much!! I LOVE YOU, KATHRINE! <3

The song by Miley Cyrus - True friend ( is perfect to describe us, our friendship and her! <333

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