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The first time i went to a party...

So the first party i went where alcohol was involved i had a full on panic attack. Let me explain:

This happened 2 years ago. It was Sally's and Zoe's Sweet 16th birthday party and we were having fun, when we arrived. There were a LOT of people and before 11PM, we were with their parents. Just laughing, taking pictures and eating-just laughing our bums off. I wasn't sure if i would stay, but Sally convinced that it is going to be a fantastic time and that i should stay. So i did. It was about 11:30PM, when their mum and dad left and left Sally and Zoe in charge. I don't think that they knew that they were going to drink. I wasn't planning on it, because i've never had anything stronger than champagne before and i didn't drink strong drinks. I drank Fizz (an alcoholic cider) and that was it. I didn't drink and didn't smoke at that time, but everyone else did. I don't smoke now, i've tried a water pipe, that is what everyone smoke that evening. I tried water pipe at my friends birthday party last year, but i didn't like it, i didn't see anything good and awesome about it. So, while everyone were smoking, i was just in the other room, because i didn't like the smoke. That time was really hard for me, because i didn't do what they did, so i was just out of place and felt really awkward. Then they got a little bit wasted and my friend was making out with a guy who gave us the alcohol and Lilly was in her bra on our other friend. It was just a mess. Then me and my ex-friends boyfriend sat on the floor and just looked at everyone like- 'What is happening? ' But we were laughing !

Then while we were having fun in the other room just talking about staff, Zoe started yelling, so apperently the guy who owned the water pipe dropped coal on the table, and since it was hot, it burned a little spots on the table, that are still there. They were saying that they'd go to the nearest shop and buy something to fix that or buy a new table, but no one obviously did that, so the table stayed. Then Lilly started yelling, because the Water Pipe guy open beer and splashed it all over the curtains and the walls. Then Lilly calmed down and decided to jump out of the window and go to the mound next to their house,but since they were under aged, they couldn't leave their home or be out in the street after 10 or 11PM, so if police came they'd be screwed. They drank on the mound and then the Water Pipe guy went after them and when he came in he said that the police were around the house. That they were watching us, so we turned the lights off and tried to be quiet. But when Lilly get's drunk she is loud and not quiet... So i got super anxious and scared that the police are going to find out that we were drinking and then i am going to be in jail and i was just overreacting, but for me at that time it was totally understandable. So i had a panic attack and started crying and called my sister to pick me up and drive me to her place, because i was living an hour away from where i was, so i couldn't get home. Plus, it was about 2-3AM and in order to get me, she had to call her boyfriend at the time and pick me up. I got to her and she asked me if something had happened to me, and i said no, i couldn't tell that the police almost cought my friend and that we were drinking. So i slept like a baby. After that i didn't got to any parties and went home, before anyone could convince me to stay, but last year i decided to be more with my friends and drink a little. That is a completely different story! But i through up! Not so fun...

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