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A little bit of gossip...

So i came up with this brilliant idea of including peoples names in these stories, so it’ll be easier for me to explain things about these people, that i am telling you about… So i have a jucy story to tell you and it’s kind of creeping me out a little…a little?.. a lot, but i am going to tell it anyway. So i have a friend named Lilly and she is amazing, a little annoying, but which friend isn’t? So, we sit together in not that many classes, but we do and i can’t remember which class it was in, but we were just chilling and relaxing on break and i accidentally, totally not on purpose, watched in her phone. I saw the name John pop up(John is the guy who i was together with) and i was like what? It didn’t pop up like-he just texted her. He would never do that. But as she was scrollling down the old messages i could see the name and i am sooo sure that it was John’s name. I have no idea when, but she has texted him. I don’t want to believe in this idea that i had, when i saw that, but the idea was that she is the reason he hasn’t texted me back. Maybe she lashed out on him, after she found out about the break-up, because she was one of the three people who knew about this. I just don’t want to believe it…..she is an amazing friend of mine, but she has had her past which is not that pleasant, but people change and i want to believe that she has either. I’m soo hoping that my idea is 100% wrong and i hope that she has some serious explanation on this situation. This monday has passed so quickly…maybe because i was in school until like 12:30ish something. Thank the universe that school ended early. When i got to school this morning i met 2 of my classmates and i went to my locker. I met Ally while i was headed to phisics, so i went with her to the locker, because i am a good friend and because we share it. Then we went to the second floor to our first class and guess what universe decided would be a good idea? To meet John in the morning. But i didn’t say ‘hi’ and neither did he, i think he wanted to, but he saw the way i looked at him, that was a ‘no’ sign for him. He looked perfect though. He is starting to develop his dream about his hair and the way he wants it. I think he looks hot, but i can’t say that to him. So before the last period i saw him again, and i said to Ally that i am starting to move on. When i saw him this morning, i didn’t get nervous, as i had been before. I felt happy, but not nervous. I realized later that day, that i am slowly trying to move on and my brain and heart is working together on moving on, which i am happy for, because normally these two things work alone. It has been a fun monday for me and i am sooo happy to have my life exacly how i have it.

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