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My first post!

It’s another day at the high school, that has passed. Kind of miserable, but still a lot of fun. A lot of people have relaxed during the weekend, but me-not so much. I had a ton of work to do and not enough sleep. I slept for less than 7hours and i feel like i am about to pass out during biology. And if you know our bio teacher, she’ll let you sleep, which is awesome on one hand, but bad on the other. I am the kind of girl, who is scared but also excited to go to school everyday. It’s because i am afraid to make mistakes. And don’t tell me that making mistakes is a human thing, i know it is, but still it’s a fear of mine. The other thing i am afraid of is seeing the guy i like. That’s a completely different story, which i’ll tell you know. I told someone i liked them, before easter and for my surprise, he liked me back. And if you know me, you know that it doesn’t happen a lot. The next day we went out and we fell for each other even more, than we did before. We became a couple, and 3days had passed in total, and he broke up with me. He just wasn’t ready to be in a relationship, because of the last relationship he had. I wasn’t even mad. When i read the message, i was shocked, but not sad or angry, because he didn’t give me reason to be angry. The next day – boom – i am sad. And guess who was the first person i saw the next day? Of course, the boy. After few days i wrote to him, that i want us to keep in touch, if he wants that. It was last week and he hasn’t answered me during this whole week. And really, i’ve lost hope that he’ll ever will answer me back. But i still like him, and he likes me, i know that, because he told me during the break up message. Every day, even if it is only one time, but everyday is see that in some moment he is staring at me and our looks meet. It’s so hard, because we go into the same class, which is sad. It’s sad, because i will not be able to forget him that easily, only in summer. If he won’t give me some signs or will not talk to me, until summer starts, i will just write to him one day and ask if i should wait for him or if i should let him go. Of course, i am not going to wait for my whole life, but i need to know the truth. I need to know if he’ll like me and if he’ll want to start things back again. And we’ll see from there what’ll happen.

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